September Recap
September was a wild month. I worked all sorts of jobs and had a pretty good time, but it left me a bit too busy to get in some of the...

17 Days of Silly Faces
One of my favourite parts about taking photos of bands is looking back at all the ridiculous faces I managed to catch during a show....

Maiden Lane Alley Art Show: The Results
Earlier this month I participated in an awesome cultural event in Downtown Windsor, The Maiden Lane Alley Art Show. This was my second...

Cactus and Elsie Binx @ The Magic Bag
On Saturday night I finally made my way out to The Magic Bag in Ferndale, Michigan. I can't believe that it took me this long to finally...

Upcoming Show: Mess Fest Film Fest
A couple of years back I was taking a digital documentary course at The University of Windsor, and as a final project was tasked to...

Harrow Fair Entries 2016
When I was little,The Harrow Fair was the best time of the year. We'd spend all summer making crafts and getting ready to bake entries,...